Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta opens to XBox and PC, adds more maps and game modes - HT Tech

The second weekend of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta is here and with it comes wider access to gamers as well as more game modes and maps to test out.

After a successful but concise first weekend of the beta testing phase of the upcoming Call of Duty game, publisher Infinity Ward has announced that the game will now be opened to a wider gamer base.

This means instead of just being limited to PlayStation users, the beta version of the game will now also be available to play for XBox and PC gamers.

To the pleasant surprise of players, Infinity Ward has increased the game modes to seven and maps to six.

These game modes now include Team Deathmatch, Domination, Prisoner Rescue, Knockout, Search & Destroy, Invasion and 3rd Person Moshpit.

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