Liberals' Bridget Archer retains Bass in key Tasmanian seat result - ABC News

Liberal MP Bridget Archer looks set to become the first politician to win re-election in the seat of Bass in 20 years, as the electorate of Lyons remains far too close to call.

Ms Archer held the northern Tasmanian electorate, known as the nation's "ejector seat", by a razor-thin 0.4 per cent margin before this weekend's election.

Ms Archer said it was too early to speculate on what had cost the Coalition the election but said she would be fighting "tooth and nail" to hold the Labor Party accountable as it forms either majority or minority government.

Ms Archer is one of four Tasmanian MPs set to retain their seats, with Franklin, Clark and Braddon all called by the ABC's Antony Green. .

Liberal Gavin Pearce has retained Braddon, increasing his margin in the north-west Tasmanian seat which was previously considered marginal.

"Finally we've turned the corner and you know I've worked damn hard to make sure that's happened, and they recognise hard work, certainly when they see it here in Braddon," Mr Pearce said.

Mr Wilkie has held the seat, formerly called Denison, since 2010.

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