Canucks' impressive performance does little to change their bleak environment -

But under these dire circumstances, in which it feels any game could be his last as the National Hockey League team’s coach, it was natural to wonder if Green would appear.

The Canucks lost in regulation for the seventh time in eight games, lost more distance in the standings, lost more hope in what was supposed to be a playoff race for them this season?

And isn’t effort and combativeness and determination the least anyone should expect from the Canucks.

Since opening the season with a solid 3-2-1 road trip, the Canucks have lost 12 of their last 15 games.

And the Vancouver power play, which surrendered a key shorthanded goal Friday to Gustav Nyquist on a turnover by Tanner Pearson, has been blanked in 12 of 14 games.

Green said then that he would take that game (but not the score) from his team every night if the Canucks could offer it, and if they did they’d probably win “eight or nine” times out of 10.

It must be eight, because the Canucks are 0-2 this week when dominating the shot clock.

“It's hard,” Motte said.

We've got to find a way to get better and win hockey games.

Like I said, that's the bottom line.

“We played some good hockey at times.

After games like this and the one against Chicago, after 13 losses in the first quarter of the season, how does Green keep his team believing.

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