Diabetic signs in your eyes: Six eye symptoms that could indicate diabetes - Daily Express

Type 2 is much more common than Type 1 with around 90 percent of diabetes sufferers having Type 2 in the UK.

People with diabetes should undertake regular visits to optometrists because high blood sugar can often lead to eye issues such as blurry vision and cataracts.

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes, caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the back of the eye (retina).

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy may include blurry vision, eye floaters, difficulty seeing at night, loss of vision, distorted vision or colour changes in vision.

Type 2 diabetes: The best winter meal to lower blood sugar this winter [INSIGHT].

Other symptoms of cataracts include faded colours, clouded vision, blurry vision, double vision - usually in just one eye, sensitivity to light, glare or halos around lights or vision which does not improve with new glasses or a prescription which must be changed often.

This pressure build-up can damage nerves and blood vessels and cause changes in vision

The condition occurs when the macula swells due to leaking fluid and is evidence when symptoms such as wavy vision and colour changes occur

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