A massive fireball appeared over Tokyo, and we have the video - BGR

Tokyo residents were treated to a sky show of their own a few days earlier when a large space rock came speeding through Earth’s atmosphere above Japan and exploding in the process.

Its early morning arrival meant that many people were already in for the night by the time it showed up, but its bright flash of light was met with an equally powerful sonic boom that surely woke some of them up.

The clip, which is just 13 seconds long, unfortunately, does not include the sound of the sonic boom that like arrived shortly after the fireball fizzled out, but it’s still a great look at the object being annihilated by the friction produced as it sped into Earth’s atmosphere.

That loud boom was definitely related to the meteor, and it’s not uncommon for meteor sightings to be accompanied by sonic booms

Back in 2013, a particularly powerful boom was produced when the space rock now known as the Chelyabinsk meteor entered Earth’s atmosphere above Russia

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