Biden to meet with Sinema, Manchin on Wednesday on $3.5T spending plan | TheHill - The Hill

Kyrsten SinemaKyrsten SinemaSenate backers of new voting rights bill push for swift passage Schumer urges Democrats to unify amid divisions on Biden spending plan The Hill's Morning Report - Presented by National Industries for the Blind - Biden travels west as Washington troubles mount MORE (D-Ariz.) and Joe ManchinJoe ManchinOvernight Energy & Environment — Presented by Climate Power — Democratic leaders vow climate action amid divide Manchin-McConnell meet amid new voting rights push Overnight Hillicon Valley — Ex-US intel operatives pay to settle hacking charges MORE (D-W.Va.) to hear their concerns about Democrats’ plans to pass a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, according to sources familiar with the plans.

The meetings will take place at the White House and show that Biden is becoming more personally involved after taking a relatively hands-off approach to the debate over the Democratic reconciliation package.

Sinema will meet with the president Wednesday morning, while Manchin will sit down with him later in the day.

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