Can my kids really be harmed wearing masks to protect against COVID? -

Kids in Salt Lake City are headed back to school Tuesday wearing masks after the mayor issued a mandate order despite heavy restrictions on mask mandates imposed by the GOP-dominated Legislature.

But experts say washing masks routinely keeps them safe and clean.

Some argue that young children miss important visual and social cues that enhance learning and development when their classmates and teachers are wearing masks.

“We don’t know for sure that masks have no developmental effects but we do know that there are adverse effects from not trying to stop transmission,’’ said Dr.

There’s strong evidence masking children in schools can reduce COVID-19 transmission to other children and adults.

“One thing that we know about prevention, about infection control is that there isn’t a single intervention that will win the day,’’ said Dr.

Joshua Schaffzin, director of infection prevention and control at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

To avoid skin irritation, doctors suggest washing masks regularly, making sure they fit properly and picking masks made with soft, breathable fabric.

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