China finds explanation for "mystery hut" spotted on the moon - CBS News

As the lunar rover made a closer approach, a log of its activities revealed the object was actually just a rock on a crater rim.

The revelation came as the lunar rover drove closer to the formation that was once believed to be as tall as Paris' Arc de Triomphe, according to a post published Friday on "Our Space," a Chinese media channel affiliated with the China National Space Administration.

It's just a small rock on a crater rim that they're now calling "jade rabbit" for its appearance.

According to the Our Space post, the discovery coincides with the rover surpassing more than 1,000 meters of driving, hitting a major milestone before its three-year anniversary on Tuesday of its landing on the far side of the moon in 2019

Yutu 2 first encountered the object while driving across the Von Kármán crater in November during the mission's 36th lunar day, according to Our Space

While the results of the rock may have been underwhelming for some, it's all part of China's rapidly accelerating space program

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