Destiny 2: Where Is Xur Today? Location and Exotic Items for June 24-28 - IGN - IGN

If you're looking to get your some shiny new Exotic armor or weapons for your Guardian, look no further.

Each week, Xûr has a random assortment of Exotic armor, one for each Guardian class, as well as a random Exotic Weapon and an Exotic Engram available for purchase.

In addition to his Exotic wares, he's got a random collection of Legendary weapons and armor to deck out your Guardians.

We've rounded up all the info on Xûr for the week including where to find Xûr, which Exotic weapons and armor are available, as well as which Legendary weapons you should pick up, either for PvE or PvP.

Gwisin Vest - Exotic Hunter Chest Armor.

Hunters and Warlocks both have good rolls this week, especially Hunters which have a maxed out stat roll of a very good exotic, Gwisin Vest!

Neither of these exotic weapons has a particularly amazing roll this week!

Xûr's Legendary Weapon offerings this weekend.

Frankly there aren't many Legendary Weapon standouts this week?

Xûr's Legendary Armor for Warlocks this week.

Xûr's Legendary Armor for Titans this week

Titans did marginally better than Warlocks and they've got a decent chest piece with high stats in all the right places and some gauntlets that would be good if they didn't have so many points in mobility

Xûr's Legendary Armor for Hunters this week

A few good rolls for Hunters this week

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