Far Cry 6: 10 Reasons The Haters Are Wrong - WhatCulture

They catch a lot of heat for pumping out game after game that follow a formula, sometimes re-using assets, and for trying to be "edgy" with their storylines through reflecting real-world events.

Since its release, gamers have been lining up on opposite sides, squaring off - is the game a success or a piece of crap?

It's easy to argue that this is the best Far Cry game yet.

If you've been holding off playing, or even if you tried the game and immediately popped the disc out, here are ten reasons to give Far Cry 6 a go.

Far Cry 6, however, is currently the peak of this concept, and the options presented to make FC6 a game that everyone can enjoy are remarkable.

The great thing is that many of these accessibility tools can become useful and fun integral parts of the game.

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