Google News wants to steal you from Twitter for events happening now using “Big Moments” - Chrome Unboxed

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Tweeting things out is fast, and those close to the scene usually have valuable insights into the situation as they provide a feed of information.

The last place you likely go for this type of rapid-fire data is Google News.

Based on what The Information says, government data for these statistics could be pulled into Google News from places like Data Commons, in order to make sure the news you’re seeing is accurate, authoritative, and instantaneously up-to-date.

Concerns have risen over Google’s decision to potentially curate the news with Big Moments using an editorial eye and hand-crafted algorithms that favor specific content over others instead of using its Full Coverage AI and machine learning – a tool that’s known to provide users with many sources so they can gain their own understanding of what’s happening.

When it does, you should be able to view Big Moments (a catchy name for sure) in your Google News feed and on the web via Google Search while hunting for information regarding the aforementioned types of current events.

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