Green comet flaunts its tail in dazzling deep space photo -

(Image credit: Miguel Claro)(opens in new tab) Miguel Claro(opens in new tab) is a professional photographer, author and science communicator based in Lisbon, Portugal, who creates spectacular images of the night sky.

Join Miguel here as he takes us through his photograph "Comet E3 ZTF Showing the Tail in Perspective and Immersed in a Colorful Starfield."

Aside from featuring a wonderful greenish coma from the glowing carbon gas being emitted from the comet, the image reveals a rare anti-tail due to the fact that planet Earth was crossing the orbital plane of C/2022 E3 (ZTF), allowing us to see the anti-tail in perspective.

This long-distance traveler from the outer solar system hasn't been seen this close to Earth in 50,000 years, and is moving fast against the background starry sky in this image.

On Wednesday (Feb. 1), the comet will be at its closest point to our planet(known as perigee) and could eventually reach a naked eye magnitude in some locations.

This image was captured using a Takahashi FSQ-106ED telescope with an F5 focal ratio on an EM200 mount, which was auto-guided by a Asiair Pro wifi camera controller.

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