'I don't know that McConnell has a lot of power,' says GOP senator on impeachment vote - CNBC

"Mitch McConnell has a lot of influence, I don't know that he has a lot of power," Cramer said during a Wednesday evening interview.  "He has a lot of power over the schedule, obviously, and the process, but I don't know many wimps in the United States Senate who are going to vote one way or another just because Mitch McConnell does.".

Cramer said that he thought the House "rushed to judgment" and characterized it as "a much more political body than is the Senate." When host Shepard Smith asked Cramer if he would vote to convict Trump, Cramer argued due process. .

"I've read my Constitution many times, and in the country, you are afforded due process, I guess unless you are Donald Trump, and so I don't default to guilty, because that is going against everything that the Constitution stands for and due process," Cramer said. .

"What happened today in the House serves up what is, in essence, an indictment, and the trial is in the Senate, so that's where due process will occur, in the trail, and it sounds like the Senate is going to proceed with deliberate speed to make sure it's a fair trial.".

"We're going walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women," said Trump to a crowd near the White House

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