Kisspeptin Hormone Injection Could Treat Low Sex Drive in Women and Men - Neuroscience News

We now plan to take things forward to hopefully realize the potential of kisspeptin therapeutics in psychosexual disorders—sexual problems which are psychological in origin, such as unexplained low libido.”

The study in women involved a randomized, double-blind, two-way crossover, placebo-controlled trial at Invicro and Hammersmith Hospital (part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust), between October 2020 and April 2021.

During kisspeptin or placebo administration, participants underwent functional MRI while watching erotic videos and viewing male faces to see how brain activity was affected.

Furthermore, the more kisspeptin activated the posterior cingulate cortex—a key behavioral brain area—in response to attractive male faces, the less sexual aversion was reported by participants.

Physiological, behavioral, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and hormonal analyses were used to investigate the clinical and mechanistic effects of kisspeptin administration in response to visual sexual stimuli (short and long video tasks).

On viewing sexual videos, kisspeptin significantly modulated brain activity in key structures of the sexual-processing network on whole-brain analysis compared with placebo (mean absolute change [Cohen d] = 0.81 [95% CI, 0.41-1.21]; P= .003).

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