Pence says Trump has shown great 'leadership' during the pandemic. A new poll shows Americans disagree. - USA TODAY

Seventy-two percent said Trump was "unprepared" for the outbreak.

Seventy-two percent of the respondents said the Trump administration was "unprepared to deal with this outbreak as it was starting." And 73% said that fewer Americans would have died if a plan to respond to the outbreak had been in place sooner. .

"If you can't maintain social distancing – if you're going to be within 6 feet of people for more than 15 minutes, it's just a good idea to wear a mask," he said. If Americans wear facial coverings and other measures such are closing bars are taken, the vice president said he was "very confident that we're going to get through this." 

But Trump, who has avoided wearing a mask in public, told The Wall Street Journal earlier this month that he thinks some people wear masks as a political symbol of opposition to him rather than as a health precaution

Few Americans agree with Trump's perspective, according to the CBS News poll, and 76% of them said they don't follow his advice on the subject. When they see someone wearing a facial covering, 82% of the respondents said they don't think the person is wearing it to express opposition to Trump

However, when someone does not wear a mask, 45% said it was an expression of support for Trump

Eighty-five percent said those who don't wear masks don't think they're at risk and aren't concerned about catching it. 

Less than half, 47%, of Americans said they always wear a mask when they go out and another 22% said they wear one "most of the time." Sixteen percent said they wear one "once in a while" and 12% said they never wear one. 

About six in 10 Americans told pollsters widespread testing was "very important" to contain the virus and 26% said it was "somewhat important." Ten percent said it was not important and 5% said it was "not important at all." Four in 10 thought the Trump administration was trying to limit the number of Americans who get tests, while 34% said the White House was working to get tests to everyone who wants one and 26% said officials were trying to get them to those who need them most. 

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