Self-proclaimed ex-‘anti-vaxxer’ hospitalized with COVID-19 urges vaccinations - KCRA Sacramento

Philly Baird says he did not believe in the COVID-19 vaccine, until he got infected.

Philly Baird says he did not believe in the COVID-19 vaccine, until he got infected.

Philly Baird says he did not believe in the COVID-19 vaccine, until he got infected.

Baird had been so devoted to his beloved NFL team, the Philadelphia Eagles, he had his name legally changed to 'Philly Baird'.

Baird said he first got sick after visiting Reno about four weeks ago.

Baird said he wound up back at the hospital.

Baird said before he got sick, he believed in the anti-vaccination propaganda.

"Trust me, this is the last thing I would ever do for attention," Baird said.

Baird also said that reading people's letters has helped him pass the time while he continues his recovery in the hospital

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