Study: habitual marijuana users - including teenagers - are being hit with 'uncontrollable vomiting' - Daily Mail

Emergency rooms across the United States are seeing a noticeable influx in habitual marijuana users - including teenagers - being admitted for uncontrollable vomiting and intestinal distress, a new study reveals.

The condition, known as cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, has been particularly evident in the 17 states where marijuana is legalized, according to CNN.

That's when we know we may have a case of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS,' Wang added. .

The condition, known as cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, has been particularly evident in the 17 states where marijuana is legalized, according to CNN.

'Regardless of whether it's cannabis hyperemesis syndrome or another virus that makes you vomit a lot, if you let it go too long, you can have electrolyte disturbances, go into shock and have organ failure

As more states pass legislation to legalize recreational marijuana, the issue of CHS could become even more prevalent, warns Dr

A recent Pew survey found that 60 percent of US adults believe marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational use

In the US, 17 states (and the District of Columbia) have legalized recreational marijuana for adults. 

A recent Pew survey found that 60 percent of US adults believe marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational use. 

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