Superior bars close voluntarily amid coronavirus surge - Superior Telegram

The wave of closures comes as Douglas County is seeing a surge in confirmed cases of the disease.

Numbers had held steady for three weeks before two positive cases were reported Thursday, June 25, according to Public Health Officer Kathy Ronchi.

More confirmed cases were reported over the weekend, and by Tuesday, June 30, the county total rose to 30, Ronchi said.

Due to the number of crowded, indoor public spaces the newest patients went to, Ronchi said she would not be surprised if the number of confirmed cases rises higher.

None of the closures was mandated by the health department, Ronchi said, and preventing the spread of COVID-19 is possible without shutdowns if people act responsibly.

The Douglas County Health Department is reaching out to people who may have been exposed, which includes people who were within 6 feet of a person with a positive case for more than 15 minutes.

Ronchi said younger people who have tested positive for the disease reported an onset of mild symptoms, including headaches, sinus pain similar to allergies and fatigue that doesn’t get better.

Of the new batch of confirmed cases, Ronchi said one has been hospitalized.

with comments from Kathy Ronchi, Douglas County Health Officer

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