The discount is strong with this robotic Star Wars vacuum cleaner - CNET

Samsung's limited edition, Stormtrooper-themed robot vacuum has apparently come and gone, too beautiful to live in this harsh world.

But while it's mostly unavailable (or, since it's going as high as $1,500 with some third-party Amazon sellers, priced beyond the reach of a sane person), you can currently get the POWERbot Star Wars Limited Edition Stormtrooper Robotic Vacuum Cleaner for $200 at Home Depot.

Yes, this vacuum looks like a Stormtrooper helmet and plays various Star Wars signature sound effects, including Darth Vader's mechanical breathing, various snippets of dialog from the movies and light saber whooshes.

CNET hasn't reviewed this vacuum, but some of the low scores on Home Depot complained that the vacuum doesn't include virtual boundaries or a remote control.

The way I see it, if you're a Star Wars fan, you simply can't go wrong with this model for $200. .

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