The Hottest Game Of The Summer Has A Cheating Problem - Kotaku

What’s most curious about this cheating scourge in Neon White is that there’s already an official way to seriously cut down your times—no cheating necessary.

Another pointed out that a player named Nosee suspiciously clocked a similar 15-second time for all of the levels in Neon White’s eighth mission; for one of those levels, there’s a 16-second gap between Nosee’s first-place finish and the rest of the people in the top ten.

There’s practically no way that score was achieved through official shortcuts; if there was an official shortcut, players would’ve likely figured it out by now and shared it far and wide.

The cheating problem has saturated to the point the player base recognizes it, and has developed patchwork, community-driven solutions with the game’s best players, recalibrating their rankings to adjust for cheaters.

Though Neon White’s leaderboards officially list them in tenth place, the player (rightfully) claims ninth place because the person at the top has a time that could only be earned through cheating!

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