The Perseid meteor shower, the most popular of the year, peaks Tuesday night - Washington Post

The Northern Hemisphere’s most popular celestial display of the year peaks on Tuesday night, as the annual Perseid meteor shower slingshots hundreds of shooting stars overhead.

Meteor rates may reach 30 or 40 per hour under a clear, dark sky, affording a spectacular viewing opportunity to those looking for a memorable summertime show.

Those hoping to enjoy the spectacle will be contending with a third quarter moon, which will outshine some of the fainter shooting stars.

The Perseid meteor shower has many colors of shooting stars.

Simply find a clear, dark location, allow your eyes to adjust, look up and enjoy the show.

If you’re hoping to enjoy the shooting stars, head to a clear, dark location away from city lights.

Not all of the shooting stars you will see this week are Perseids.

The Southern Delta Aquariids, Kappa Cygnids, and Piscis Austrinids are minor meteor showers that may spit out a shooting star or two per hour.

You can tell them apart from Perseids, because their shooting stars would be traveling a different direction in the sky, or possess a different speed or color.

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