Whitmire: Alabama lawmaker wants to ban critical race theory, so I asked him what it is - AL.com

Chris Pringle (left) wants to ban critical race theory from being taught in Alabama schools, colleges and universities.

There’s been a lot of talk about critical race theory lately, and I’ve felt at a loss.

I’ve heard so many conflicting things about critical race theory, I’ve gotten more and more confused.

Chris Pringle, R-Mobile, who wants to make it illegal to teach critical race theory in Alabama.

“All it says is you can’t teach critical race theory in K-12 or higher education in the state of Alabama.”?

But it didn’t answer my question: What is this critical race theory educators would be forbidden to teach.

How would his bill define critical race theory.

So I asked Pringle if there were any critical race theorists he could point to who have been spreading such toxic garbage.

I began to get the feeling that Pringle didn’t know as much about critical race theory as I had hoped.

Were there other examples he could give me where critical race theory was being put into practice.

“These people, when they were doing the training programs — and the government — if you didn’t buy into what they taught you a hundred percent, they sent you away to a reeducation camp,” Pringle said.

These sorts of conversations sometimes end abruptly, but Pringle was still on the line and after a little more hemming and hawing he retreated to a common safe-space of politicians who’ve crawled too far out on a limb: He just wanted to start a conversation, he said.

This was news to me, as I’d seen lots of lawmakers try to talk about race and history in the Alabama State House, but for whatever reason, they were always the Black lawmakers.

After bragging to me how he had BS-ed his way through his college political science classes by parroting the liberal bilge his professors wanted to hear, Pringle then said he had to get back to his day job and that he had employees waiting on him at a job site.

According to England, he hadn’t been familiar with critical race theory, either, until his colleagues across the aisle began making so much noise about it.

“Critical race theory has been around since the ’70s and it’s never been taught in K-12,” England said.

But England wasn’t just talking about critical race theory.

“All anybody really wants to be taught in their schools is the accurate and true representation of American and world history, and that includes America’s sordid history with race,” England said.

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