Some TikTok Baby Witches Apparently Tried to Hex the Moon - The Cut

At least, that’s the allegation circulating on WitchTok — witch TikTok — where other witches have warned of the harrowing divine backlash coming down the pipe.

According to one Reddit user, one witch from WitchTok knows who the four amateur witches who attempted the lunar hex are, but is keeping their identity secret to protect them from harassment.

According to Celtic lore, the Fae (more broadly known as the Fair Folk) are magical, fairy-type creatures with a reputation for mischievous, even sinister (“the Fair Folk are sociopaths,” one believer claims) behavior.

As Twitter user @heyyadoraa pointed out in a thread addressing the recent hexing, “Fair Folk do not abide by human morals, because they are not human.

Fair Folk are not inherent[ly] malevolent, but they have different customs than we do.” And when you piss them off, @heyyadoraa added, “You’ve now got trickery for the rest of your life and maybe a bloodline curse.

it is EXTREMELY important to note that fair folk do not abide by human morals, because they are not human.

fair folk are not inherent malevolent, but they have different customs than we do.

On TikTok, however, witches aren’t going into details as to how this rogue coven hexed the moon and the Fae — simply that they did it, apparently out of an excess of hubris, and that the sun may be next.

But what a witch can do, according to this camp, is strongly demonstrate their disrespect of the deities who control the moon.

Because she is the twin sister to Apollo, the sun, Artemis is often associated with the moon.

soo the reason for animals dying is because some baby witches thought it would be a good idea to hex the moon AND the fae ..?

“I think they’re more mad at the audacity of these idiots that would want to hex the moon or anything related to nature, TikTok user and self-identified elder witch @thatonebluntwitch explained in a video.

“The moon and sun probably didn’t feel a thing,” @chaoticwitchaunt explained on TikTok

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