

Jill Biden poised to reshape role of first lady by continuing to teach

Jill Biden poised to reshape role of first lady by continuing to teach

Jill Biden poised to reshape role of first lady by continuing to teach
Nov 19, 2020 1 min, 50 secs

Washington — President-elect Joe Biden's victory over President Trump this month laid the groundwork for Jill Biden to shatter barriers of her own, as she is set to become the first first lady to continue with her full-time job while in office.

But serving as the first lady and continuing to work as an English teacher will not come without challenges, both for the Secret Service agents charged with protecting her and for the incoming first lady in tackling the responsibilities of the office.

While serving as the second lady of the United States, Biden, who holds a doctorate in education and two masters degrees, worked full-time as an English professor at Northern Virginia Community College.

The experience likely primed the Secret Service for protecting Biden as first lady should she maintain her post as an English teacher, but White said there are "unique features" that would be different for agents.

Biden continues to teach, then you're talking about a routine where an adversary could potentially know where she is going to be on certain days.".

Northern Virginia Community College plans to continue remote learning in the spring semester due to the worsening pandemic, but under normal circumstances, White predicted the Secret Service would likely vet students, faculty and staff who have access to her classroom building, install metal detectors at entrances and have a guard posted around the clock.

"So I think it's surely going to be a challenge for the Secret Service, but I think it's one that's manageable." .

If Biden continues teaching, she would be a trailblazer as the only first lady to hold a paid job outside the White House.

"You're going to have one of your own in the White House.".

What is less clear, though, is whether the incoming first lady will juggle teaching at the community college with the duties of the office, or marry the two, for example by leading a task force on community college as a gateway for educational initiatives

"The first lady is going to be a primary surrogate for the president," she said, "and her surrogacy is going to take the form of humanizing the president in a way that deepens and strengthens his political alliances."

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